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The first thing you want to do is sign up for a VPN, then download the VPN app for your device and install it. Most providers have apps for various devices, including smart TVs, streaming devices like Amazon Fire TV Stick and Apple TV, desktops, mobile devices and gaming consoles.
That said, some paid VPNs come with free plans capable of unblocking Netflix. Windscribe is a good case in point. The service offers 10 free server locations, including some popular Netflix hubs like the UK, U.S. and Germany, enabling you to enjoy favorite movies for free. Even so, you have to be content with a 10GB monthly data limit, which can be a hurdle for Netflix binge-watchers.
This may be a bit off-topic, as I do not quire understand the whole VPN thing completely.1. If you are in a foreign country (going to Vietnam) and I get a Vietnamese SIM card (obviously they know I am in that country) but can I still watch something that was downloaded from Netflix? I have had downloaded movies tell me I could not watch in France before, when on the hotel wifi.2. Also, if you have an iPad that is connected to the I-phone hot spot, that is working off a foreign SIM card, can you also not watch your US Netflix account?3. Is there away to hotspot your iPad to an Iphone, that is in airplane mode? Would you need to select a different VPN?